9 September



Ha Long Bay is a famous scenic spot in Vietnam where there are thousands of large and small rock islands and caves that have been formed since hundreds of millions of years ago. Ha Long Bay was twice recognized by UNESCO as a World Natural Heritage. The first in 1994 with aesthetic value whilst the second in 2000 with its geomorphic and geologic values.


Ga Choi islet


Ha Long Bay has many beautiful landscapes because of tectonic geology dating back hundreds of millions of years. But in the subconscious of the Vietnamese people, the concept of “the children of Dragon and Fairies” origin with rich imagination has handed down some interesting legends. One of them has been told that to help people fight the enemy, the Jade Emperor sent the Mother Dragon and a herd of little Dragons to Earth. They were the dragons that sprayed the pearls to create thousands of large and small islands against the invaders. After defeating the enemy, the Mother Dragon and the Child Dragons did not return to the fairy world but stayed to protect the local people, forever. The position where the Mother Dragon landed was Ha Long whilst the little herd’s landing was Bai Tu Long. Interestingly, where the tails of the dragons waved the water into white foam was Bach Long Vi.


Most of the islands in Ha Long Bay have two main types: limestone and shale islands. They are mainly located in the southeastern area of Bai Tu Long Bay and the west of Ha Long Bay. Over millions of years of tectonic formations, they have been formed many rocky islands with different shapes that stir the imagination of tourists about Toad islet, Ga Choi islet, Lang Vong islet, etc. Moreover, there are plenty of caves are synonymous with Thien Cung Cave, Sung Sot Cave, Dau Go Cave and so on. Coming there, visitors will be astonished by the magnificent beauty that nature has bestowed. Even the French book Merveilles du Monde (wonders of the world) published in 1938, specializing in tourism introduces world-famous landmarks, acknowledged Dau Go cave as a “Grotte des Merveilles” (cave of wonders).


In addition to the aesthetic values, through excavation, archaeologists have discovered many traces of ancient Vietnamese on the island that are the relics of Soi Nhu culture. Ha Long Bay is also a gathering place of high biodiversity with thousands of rare and precious fauna and flora species, a valuable repository of documents serving scientific research.


Above is some general information about Ha Long Bay. If you have a chance, come here once to visit and feel the wonderful beauty of Ha Long Bay!


Image Source: Internet



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