14 June


Tet Doan Ngo (Doan Ngo Festival)

“Doan Ngo Festival” is also known as “Tet diet sau bo”. This is a long-standing traditional holiday of Vietnam held on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month with the meaning of praying for a bountiful harvest year.

* The name “Tet sau bo” (killing insects) simply means that this is the day to destroy pests and diseases that harm crops.


On the day of “Doan Ngo Festival”, people often eat fermented foods when they wake up. One of the indispensable dishes is “Rice Wine” (Rice wine has a strong smell, tastes like wine but is sweet and easy to eat, made from glutinous rice then brewed with alcohol and fermented)

In addition to rice wine, there are also typical dishes for the Doan Ngo Festival such as summer fruits (plums, lychee), Banh Tro (sticky cake wrapped with banana leaves), …


Doan Ngo Festival is also an occasion for all family members to gather together to enjoy traditional dishes.

Tet Doan Ngo (Doan Ngo Festival)


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